Deathly Star
I have to say that it's taken me 24 hours to get around to writing this post. The Death Star nearly killed me! Given it was a bank holiday weekend, I thought I'd get stuck into something big and picked the second-biggest set left in my to-build pile - the original Death Star playset ( 10188 ). To be fair, the biggest set left is the more recent Death Star so it was 50:50! This is labelled as an ultimate collector series model but I think it would belong better in the new "master builder" label. Or indeed just as a giant playset. I'll not bother describing what you get as anyone who is interested will already have looked up one of the many reviews or indeed built this themselves. As such, I've just taken one photo to prove I've done it. Perhaps I'm just getting Lego fatigue but I didn't really enjoy this build. A few thoughts: It's very repetitive. Lots of reinforced plates and walls. I really didn't like the fact that a whole box c...