Stay on target, stay on target!

In case it's not obvious from the near daily posts, I'm on a mission to finish building all my Lego sets, which happens to now include all but about 3 Star Wars themed releases (today, the original Death Star playset and the original UCS snowspeeder both turned up, leaving me just the UCS Tie Advanced, a couple of rare minifigs and the Imperial Inspection to go).  Being a spreadsheet geek (it goes with the job), I've now predicted a finish of 19 June.  There are definitely some risks to this, not least the fact that the wife demands (reasonably) that I spend some weekend time with her but I've already managed to reduce this from the original prediction of 26th by being a bit faster on the building than my predictions allowed for.  So, I'm hopeful of staying on target.

Last night I did build one of the polybag magazine gifts ("gifts" is really a bit of a misnomer, as I only buy them for the sets!) but mainly I've been building up one of the bigger technic sets in my collection.  Today was therefore a quick build of the latest microfighter - the Falcon (75295).  This is a nice short build and the resulting set is pretty straightforward. 


I knew that there were two previous iterations of this but I hadn't realised that the first dated to 2014.  The second and very similar set (apart from featuring Chewy rather than Han) came in 2018 so it was probably about time for another version.  They're all much of a muchness so I'm not going to bother trying to rank them.  Instead, I'm going to get back to the technic crane...


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