Last of the Clone turbo tanks

Being Good Friday, we had the day off work.  Most of the day was spent walking 15 miles across central London, eating hot cross buns and having fish for dinner.  All very traditional... this evening, however, was back to Star Wars Lego.  

I first unpacked a second hand set of Mace Windu's starfighter and worked out which bricks were missing (I knew there were a few but this was also in pretty poor condition and I ended up replacing 20-30 parts from spares too).  

That done, I moved on to a new set - an Ebay purchase of the 2016 Clone Turbo Tank (75151).  I was surprised by how long it took to build this - the best part of 2 hours. The Turbo Tanks aren't, all told, my favourite of the Star Wars sets, though I do think that there are some clever elements to them: in particular, I do like the way that they steer with the 4 outer axles moving freely and the middle one on springs to rebalance it.  

This one comes with a mini walker, which can be stowed away inside (thought it's not the snuggest fit).  You also get 6 minifigs, though only two are unique (a Luminara Unduli with dark brown hat and a Quinlan Vos).  

You also get a viewing turret that can be wound up and down plus, as usual, a range of the panels open to allow access to the insides.

I would have loved to do a comparison to the other two turbo tanks in my collection but, unfortunately, they are now buried behind a collection of no less than 6 AT-AT walkers and several other sets.  It's therefore somewhat impractical to dig them out.  However, my sense is that this one is slightly smaller than the others and I don't think it's a significant improvement in any meaningful sense. 


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