Han Solo on his Tauntaun

I've not done very much building in recent days - I've instead been focussed on a couple of super-rare promo sets.  The first is the Star Wars / M&M Mosaic which I now have all the parts for but realised that there are no building instructions out there.  So I'm painstakingly creating my own in LeoCad - will post a link once I've finished them so others may follow in the footsteps of the Sith M&M.  

However, I did mostly build one of them today - the super-rare Han Solo on his Tauntaun (LLCA53) which I've rebuilt from spares and Bricklink.  I struggled to find any build instructions until I came across this post, which gives chapter and verse on the set... so I'm just going to post a photo.  

I'm missing a piece (on order from Bricklink) and I replaced two of the reddish brown plates with clips with dark red equivalents.  The jumpers are also modern equivalents and I switched the turntables that top the legs with black rather than LBG bases which are a) orders of magnitude cheaper and b) look better, IMHO.  

The one thing I agree with from the holoarchives article is that this is pretty much the most fragile set I've build in ages.  I broke it 3 or 4 times during build! 

I have mixed feelings too - it's ok as a set but not I'm not amazingly sold on it.

I've also built up a few other sets to be fair, since I last posted.  The first is the "worker droid" which came with a book.

Then there is the spy droid which was the same deal.  Both of these were rebuilt and the photos on Rebrickable are mine.
I build up the Christmas freebie nutcracker (40254), plus a mini droid fighter (a Daily Mail giveaway) and a mini Anakin starfighter.
And finally, here is the "skybound plane" (30421) which was another Daily Mail giveaway
I take it back... I have done a fair bit of building!


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