Sith infiltrator

It's Friday, I finished all the deliverables I planned for the week by 5pm and my boss instructed us to not work too hard today.  So I'm going to try for two Lego builds.  The first is a BNIB purchase from ebay some months ago of the Sith Infiltrator (75096).  

The build was pretty straightforward - 90 mins with several interruptions.  And the finished product surprised me by being my favourite of the sets.  I'm not always of the view that the new sets improve on the older versions and looking at the pictures of this one I didn't feel overwhelmed (hence the fact it's sat unmade for some time). However, once constructed, this version has a solidity that I definitely feel was lacking from the 2011 version (7961). The build flows nicely throughout and the cockpit area has really nice detail on both top and bottom.

You also get some good minifigs (Watto in particular) though I think the Anakin is a bit cheesy.  

I did a quick compare to the 2011 set and they're about the same length thought this one is slightly wider and has a distinctly bigger cockpit area.

In summary, I liked it!


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