The V-wing remains one of the most mysterious of the Star Wars craft for me. It apparently turns up in the Revenge of the Sith but I struggle to remember it in that film. That said, compared to the original trilogy which I must have seen at least 30 times each, I've probably only watched this one 3 or 4 times and not with any attention for some years. The internet tells me that it's actually an "Alpha 3 Nimbus V-wing starfighter" made by Kuat. No hyperdrive and an unpressurised cockpit but highly manouverable. Lego has made three versions over the years: way back in 2006 came set 6205 with just 118 parts. I do not think that this is Lego's finest hour: like some of the early Sith Infiltrators, the front section feels very flat. The radiator wings also don't rotate which is a nice feature on the later versions. The fact that you only get a droid head also feels cheap to me. Next up in 2011 was set 7915 , with 139 parts. A sligh...