More old tie fighters... and Darth Revan

A few posts back, I talked about the droid tie fighter that I rebuilt from the 10131 Ultimate Tie Fighter Collection.  At the time when I was buying the parts for this this, I thought it was the only model from 10131 that I didn't already have a copy of.  It was, in fact, only when I came to write a post that I realised that the Darth Vader advanced tie was also unique to this set.

I couldn't leave it at that so over the last month or so, I've been slowly buying up the missing parts and have now built the advanced tie too.  

It was a very quick build the other week but I was still missing the two printed round tiles which finally arrived yesterday so here's the completed set (there's a Darth Vader in the cockpit but he's got a very frayed cloak so staying hidden).  

So, here's the complete collection (including my copy of 7263):

The main observation is how fragile sets from this period can be - the wings wobble around and just moving it around half of the top/bottom of the wings fell off!

Finally, I also picked up a cheapish opened Darth Revan for a price I was willing to pay.  I've still got a few of the really rare minifigs to buy but am not rushing on them.  As far as I can tell, Darth Revan is barely even "canon"... hey ho!


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