Planet sets

One of the interesting ranges that Lego released were the planet sets: there were 12 of them in 2012/2013 in two series of 6 each year.  You got a minifigure, a small-scale ship (typically 50-60 parts, very much in line with the later magazine gift line), a stand for these with a printed tile (always welcome) and a large planet which also doubled as the packaging.  

The sets are largely unremarkable but the planets make a nice feature.  My Hoth is sadly sun damaged, though.

Here's the list:

  • 9674: Naboo Starfigher & Naboo
  • 9675: Sebulba's pod and Tatooine
  • 9676: Tie interceptor and Death Star
  • 9677: X-wing and Yavin 4
  • 9678: Twin Pod Cloud Car and Bespin
  • 9679: AT-ST and Endor
  • 75006: Jedi Starfighter and Kamino
  • 75007: Republic assault ship and Coruscant
  • 75008: TIE bomber and asteroid field (not really a planet!)
  • 75009: Snowspeeder and Hoth
  • 75010: B-wing and Endor (again - and not as good as the first one!)
  • 75011: Tantive IV and Alderaan


My favourite is the twin pod cloud car.  I've got the planets somewhere in a box...


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