Random sets

The grand deconstruction is continuing and I wanted to clear some shelves down before the sun got too high in the sky (last year, I used bin bags to protect).  I therefore focussed on some big sets, including both Republic cruisers.  

The first is the 2007 Republic Cruiser (7665) which is a cool set in red with dark red and white detailing.  It stands out now with the predominatly grey sets you get these days.  

2011 brought the Republic Frigate (7964) which is a very similar design but slightly more parts.  If I had to choose, though, it would be the 2007 version I would go with.

I also took apart the 2011 Jedi T-6 Shuttle (7931) which is quite a nice design and quite big but fewer pieces than I remembered.  It's also firmly from the era of big face minifigs, which I still don't really love.

Next up is 75100 - the First Order Snowspeeder.  A relatively unremarkable set (very little to do) and one where I think the scale is all wrong.  That said, there is no real canon for this: they never released the scenes with this in.  


Finally for today is the star scavenger (75147) from 2016.  Another dull set in my mind.  Perhaps as I've never seen the show this is based on, I can't get excited. 


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