Betrayal at Cloud City

With some regret, I finally took apart one of my favourite sets: the 2018 Betrayal At Cloud City (75222).  For me, this is a game-changer from Lego: the move into making sets aimed squarely at adults, complete with a "master builder" theme.  Arguably, the Ewok Village and possibly the rightly-maligned Assault on Hoth are precursors in this theme but both of them are primarily play sets.  This one has elements of play to satisfy any 10 yr old but the overwhelming aim is to make a set which looks amazing.

Firstly, it rocks in at 2812 parts and 21 minifigs (was this a record up to this point? I think it was).  You get a super-cool mid-sized Slave I and the only proper twin-pod cloud car since 2002(!).  

But that's just where it starts: you get so much detail, faithfully recreating the art deco vibe of Cloud City.  All the key scenes are captured in a really compact space.

I have to briefly mention the original Cloud City, which was a pretty cool set for its time but it doesn't stand up here (I'll review that one some other day as it's currently hidden at the back of one of the shelves).  

All in all - 11 out of 10 for Betrayal at Cloud City.


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