Medium TIEs

Last weekend saw me deconstruct 75192 but this week seems to have gone by without much Legoing.  That's perhaps not quite true as I bought most of the parts for two MOCs which I'll finish off and build at some point in the next couple of weeks.

However, tonight's challenge is to deconstruct the three largest non-UCS TIE fighters: 

  • 9492 from 2012 with 413 parts
  • 75101 (First Order Special Forces TIE) from 2015 with 530 parts
  • 75211 (Imperial TIE fighter) from 2018 with 519 parts

All of these look and feel quite similar, mainly due to the fact that they all share the same basic wing design.  As such, they're all exactly the same height and depth.  That said, they are all very slightly different widths, with each slightly wider than the previous iteration.

They all come with excellent detail packed in to a relatively small number of bricks and interestingly the 2018 set returns to the old printed 4x4 hatch dish that hadn't featured for years.  Equally, all have excellent minifigs, particularly the 2018 set (in my view), with a Han in mudtrooper disguise and a Mimban swamptrooper (in fact four unique figs).

On balance, however, I am going to go with the First Order TIE as my favourite of the three: I like the double cockpit and the unique wing arms. However, the 2012 edition stands the test of time really well.


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