Republic Gunships

My pace of posting has massively slowed down since the first half of the year... though taking Lego apart and putting it in plastic bags isn't anywhere near as exciting to talk about as building it is.  This week, however, I've gone back to building - not that I have anywhere to put my new build it turns out.  My house is in disarray as I have new windows fitted in most rooms and my nephews are coming to stay next week which will cause further havoc.  Hmm.

Anyway, my build for the week was the much delayed UCS republic gunship (75309).  I've not rushed it but it has taken me 4 nights of building and turns out to be 3292 bricks of typical incredibleness.  I really like all of the proper UCS sets and this is no exception.  


The set is massive - it certainly compares to the ISDs and Falcons in terms of sheer scale.  Here's another photo with the old minifig scale gunships for comparison:

It's also nicely designed with a robust feel and largely SNOT design.  That said, I could have a couple of niggles: firstly, the level of detail is perhaps slightly below that of recent UCS sets, reflected in the number of parts for the size.  Secondly, I have no idea why they decided to go for square fronts to the main guns!  

So, while I really like it, I don't love it.  8 out of 10.  Here's a few more photos:

While I've got the older gunships out, I thought I'd rank them... not sure I've ever had all three out at once.  Firstly, way back in 2002, we had 7163, weighing in at only 697 bricks. With that, it packs in a stupendous amount of detail and playability.  You get the swing-out gun pods and the whole front opens up.  This set also came with the infamous Jedi Bob.

Next up in 2008 was 7676. This shares quite a few of the design features but has doors that open all over the place with a little command skimmer and a speeder bike tucked away inside.  

Finally, in 2013 came 75021 which has the fractionally the most parts of the three and a hybrid of the play features. You get the side gun pods from 7163 but the speeder bike in the back and opening side doors from 7676.  That said, this one is my least favourite.

If forced to choose, I'd go all the way back to 7163 as my top pick!


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