Pasaana Speeders

It's getting colder and I want to turn on my underfloor heating... which means that I need to clear the floor of the Lego cave.  Most stuff is on shelves but I have a couple of sets that fell apart while I was doing my inventory and video of the whole lot.  One of these was the Pasaana speeder chase (75250) from 2019.  

I'm often ambivalent about the sets which comprise several small vehicles and a bit of random scenery.  I tend to the view that they miss on all fronts barring perhaps some playability.  However, this set actually has some really nice design features and I find myself actually quite liking it.

The colours are pretty startling and definitely not traditional SW grey: you get plenty of red, some sand blue and the odd bit of medium blue thrown in.  You also get some nice minifigs - the two stormtroopers are unique to this set.  Both speeders are very nicely realised with lots of asymmetric detail and I even like the random tool shelter.  

Just don't knock it off the shelf!


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