Minifig Falcons

No posts for a month and then 2 in a day.  I almost added the Falcon set to the last post but decided that they deserved their own special post. As I've been deconstructing, the Falcons have been taking up significant shelf space, even stood on their side, proped up against the wall.  So, they had to be an early target for deconstruction.  However, I did want to get the full set out and compare/contrast.  

To date, Lego have released 6 Falcons at what I would call "minifig playset" size.  Generally these come in at around 1000-1300 pieces (the earliest is the counterexample due to the use of bespoke printed parts for the superstructure) and have been some of the pricier sets each year they came out.  

The full list is:

  • 7190 from way back in 2000
  • 4504 from 2004, which was the archetype for all subsequent versions, though somewhat flimsy itself
  • 7965 from 2011 which substantially improved on the sturdiness by introducing a technic substructure but makes the ports on the front spars really naff (stickers on 2x2 round tiles)
  • 75105 from 2015, updated slightly to tie in with the Force Awakens, making everything a bit more shabby and changing the comms dish design
  • 75212 from 2018, possibly the most interesting of them all: gleaming white and blue design before Han manages to wreck his ship in Solo.  Interestingly, this has the most pieces of all of the sets
  • closely followed by 75257 from 2019.  Back to a more classic design but with much more rounded designs on the hinged top pieces.  Also a change to the angles on the front spars, which is interesting.

I had a soft spot for the 2000 version - while I'm generally averse to bespoke pieces like this employs, it's otherwise very nice, especially for its age.  It was clear that Lego hit its stride in 2000, with sets like this and the first of the UCS series.  Otherwise, I have to say that 75257 edges it.

Some more photos:



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