TRU sets

If anyone ever reads these posts, they'll get the sense that I've been sorting out all my smaller sets.  It's getting to autumn and I'm going to have to turn the underfloor heating on soon and I therefore want to get all my Lego off the floor.  Apart from a couple of random sets, the majority of what's on the floor is the smaller sets in boxes.  That's how it rolls!

So, today's post is about the TRU sets - released typically as in-store builds at Toys R Us.  As a kid we used to take a yearly trip to Birmingham and the highlight was always the pre-Christmas shop at TRU on High St.  However, the Brum store closed down years ago and TRU shut up shop in the UK a few years ago now.  So, I can't say I've been in one since about 1992... and therefore all the sets here are rebuilds and I've only done the ones which are not duplicates of other sets.  

The TRU in-store builds are not the best Lego sets by any means.  Most are pretty naff, with only a couple approaching the quality of the magazine gifts which are the nearest comparator.  But what can you expect for sets that were genuinely give-aways!  

Here's the full list that I'm aware of:

  • TRU03 (a mini Jek-14 stealth fighter)
  • TRUBB8 (what it says on the tin).  I actually have a brand new version of this one.
  • TRULEIA (not shown below as it's a duplicate)
  • TRUSWMF (a mini Falcon from Solo)
  • TRUTIE (one of the smallest ever SW sets with only 12 parts)
  • TRUWOOKIE (a wookie gunship and my favourite of the lot)
  • TRUXWING (Luke x-wing, duplicate of a calendar and also SWCOMIC and therefore not included below)
  • TRUXWING2 (Poe's x-wing)
  • XWING2 (an exclusive "members club" set - trench run x-wing)




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