Battle Packs

Back in 2007, Lego started something new with the release of two "battle packs".  The first was the Droids BP (7654) which came with a mini tank and an STAP and 7 minifigs.  And I have a soft spot for this one as my girlfriend (now wife) bought it for me for Christmas that year.  This one didn't quite set the mould but the next one, the Clone Troopers BP (7655) had what is now the standard 4 figs.  

Two a year were pretty common but there was a brief increase to 3 and then 4 around 2015/16/17.  It's worth noting that at this point, the "battle pack" label was dropped for a few years and the sets I think conform to the BP mould are starred (they were generally called "troopers").  In total I think there are 36... though none for 2021 as yet!

The BP sets range from 58 parts (the Clone Troopers one) up to 125 parts (Bounty Hunters BP from 2017) with an average that looks to be around 100 parts.  You now typically get 4 minifigs and some sort of ship, transport, gun emplacement, etc.  However, these sets are now all about the minifigs which tend to be unique to the set and, as such, they now tend to have quite a high resale value.  In trying to complete my collection, the Elite Clone Trooper & Commando Droid BP (9488) was going for at least £25 second hand with no box.  

Do I like the BPs?  I'm a bit torn as, despite the fact that I now carefully collect them, I'm not a minifig fanatic.  My favourite sets are large, intricate spaceships, not the smaller and necessarily less detailed play sets.  However, at their best you do get some really nice minifigs and half-decent little sets.  

Anyway, here's my list of all of the BPs with some photos below before I deconstruct them.

  • 7654 Droids (2007)
  • 7655 Clone Troopers (2007)
  • **7668 Rebel Scout Speeder (2008)
  • 8014 Clone Walker (2009)
  • 8015 Assassin Droids (2009)
  • 8083 Rebel Trooper (2010)
  • 8084 Snowtrooper (2010)
  • 7913 Clone Trooper (2011) Numbering is pretty odd at this point!
  • 7914 Mandalorian (2011) Probably my least favourite - very dull
  • 9488 Elite Clone (2012) One of my favourites due to the quality of the minifigs
  • 9489 Endor Rebel Trooper & Imperial Trooper (2012)
  • **75000 Clone Troopers vs. Droidekas (2013) 
  • **75001 Republic Troopers vs. Sith Troopers (2013)
  • **75034 Death Star Troopers (2014)
  • **75035 Kashyyyk Troopers (2014) 
  • **75036 Utapau Troopers (2014)
  • **75078 Imperial Troop Transport (2015)
  • **75079 Shadow Troopers (2015)
  • **75088 Senate Commando Troopers (2015)
  • **75089 Geonosis Troopers (2015) One of the best vehicles
  • 75131 Resistance Trooper (2016)
  • 75132 First Order (2016)
  • 75133 Rebel Alliance (2016)
  • 75134 Galactic Empire (2016)
  • 75164 Rebel Trooper (2017)
  • 75165 Imperial Trooper (2017)
  • 75166 First Order Transport Speeder (2017)
  • 75167 Bounty Hunter Speeder Bike (2017)
  • 75197 First Order Specialists (2018)
  • 75198 Tatooine (2018)
  • 75206 Jedi and Clone Troopers (2018)
  • 75207 Imperial Patrol (2018) Another one of my favourites
  • 75225 Elite Pretorian Guard (2019)
  • 75226 Inferno Squad (2019)
  • 75266 Sith Troopers (2020)
  • 75267 Mandalorian (2020).  Arguably the best minifigs




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