Action... battle... bore

Having just posted about buildable figures, on to another of my less favourite series from Lego.  The "action battle" sets.  By my count there are three of these and Lego's fascination with Hoth continues - two of the three are themed after the snowy rebel base.  

The three sets are:

  • 75238: Action battle Endor assault
  • 75239: Hoth generator attack
  • 75241: Action battle Echo Base defense

The last is more than twice the size of the others but none the better for it.  The one redeeming feature of these sets for me is the return of the rubber bullet, which I've always quite liked.  The downside is that what was delivered was a series of not very well executed models with mechanisms that are either impossible to trigger (doors on Echo Base, or even worse the generator on Endor assault) or are so sensitive that it's impossible to set them (the AT-AT or the speeder bike).

Overall, I'm definitely not a fan!  And given the relatively short-lived nature of the sub-theme (3 sets in 2019 which were on permanent sale in the Lego store), I think I'm not the only one.

And I reckon I've lost two of the minifigs down the back of my Ikea shelves - will need to do lots of deconstruction before I can move them to retrieve.


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