Plus four builds

I'm not talking about golfing, nor about my first computer (the Commodore Plus Four, with a whole 8k of RAM... showing my age!).  I'm actually on the sets designed for young children, specifically today the Resistance X-wing released this year (75297).

It's a given that I'm not the target demographic for this set so I found the build ridiculously easy - I didn't even bother opening the instructions and just built it from the picture on the box.  However, I have built enough sets with my nephews and niece (some of whom are still under 10) that I know how they used to tackle sets.  I think even my niece would have enjoyed this one at the age of 4.

Weighing in at just 60 pieces, it's a good job that some of them are rare to justify the very steep price tag - I would have priced this at no more than £10 at absolute tops and I think £18 is pushing it.  The microfighters are generally much better value in terms of bricks.  

That gripe over, it's an ok set, though nothing special.  4 out of 10 and an interesting diversion from picking bricks for the last 3 Star Wars sets to come out the storage boxes.


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