Helmet collection - part 2

Excitingly, I've finally managed to escape London and get away for a few days. So, this morning, we packed the car with clothes, food, the wife's sewing machine, some books... and three lego sets that I deemed would survive transportation.  I've got to pace myself because these have to last me a week!  

First out of the pile was the Boba Fett helmet (75277).  Weighing in at 625 parts, this is actually the simplest of the 2020 helmets.  However, it was a very satisfying build with plenty of interesting features.  Took me about an hour all told.


However, I'd like to raise two colour-related gripes:

  1. I really struggle to tell sand green apart from LBG in the instruction manuals, given my colour-defective vision
  2. Dark red is still coming in a really wide variety of colours and it's really obvious, even to me!


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