Captain Rex's AT-TE

Back in 2016, I was buying some of the Lego Star Wars sets but hadn't yet conceived of the ludicrous plan to own them all.  Captain Rex's AT-TE (75157) one was one of the sets I looked at and liked but couldn't quite bring myself to buy.  What attracted me was that it was clearly Star Wars but it was colourful and quite different from the usual sets.  

A while back, I finally managed to get my hands on a brand new version, which was priced cheap because someone had made the mistake of opening it (why do people do this if you have no intention to build it?  It immediately takes 20% off the resale price).  Given it's Easter weekend, I've been taking on slightly bigger sets so this one came off the pile.

I have to say that I really enjoyed the build - there were lots of interesting elements and, apart from the side panels, remarkably little repetitive work.  

You get a number of unique minifigs too: Imperial Inquisitor Fifth is the most unusual, but three old dudes without any hair is also pretty unusual.

So, all told, a nice set, though I think it was slightly overpriced.  


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