Death Star II Battle

I had grand plans to follow my AT-AT theme and build the First Order heavy assault walker (almost an AT-AT) today but I got distracted with work (on a Sunday!) and hence decided on an easier build.  Looking at my shelf of BNIB sets, I alighted on one of the freebies that I picked up last year - the Death Star II Battle (40407).  I think I have two of these but the other will stay safely tucked away gathering value.

I really quite like these little vignettes that Lego have been giving away over the last couple of years and I think this is definitely my favourite of the three.  They remind me in a way of a couple of Comic Con exclusives from way back - there was one of Tatooine and one of Dagobah - and one of my favourite little sets, Escape the Space Slug

While I liked the Hoth set, I thought the Endor Moon one was a bit sparse.  This one amps up the detail to 11 and has a real sense of drama.  

Hopefully, I'll get some time tomorrow to get back to the four-legged Star Wars sets. 


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