Poe's new x-wing

So, having predicted that I would get sidetracked by work two weeks ago, that really caught up with me last week and I managed very little building.  I did manage, however, on Friday night and Saturday morning to build the 2020 Poe's X-wing (75273).  

I had grand plans to take photos through the build but was too tired to keep it up (and was distracted by things like Friday film night and Saturday supermarket shopping).  So, just the one photo that's worth posting...

This is the first of a number of X-wings I'm going to be building over the coming weeks - I have a second hand copy of 4502 with a few pieces still missing (most on order) plus the near identical 2015 Poe and 2016 Resistance X-wings.  However, this one was on the top of one of my piles of new sets (somewhat ridiculously, I have 49 sets still to open!) so I went for it.  

I like the colour scheme (orange is my favourite Lego colour!) and the things that always looked suspiciously like air intakes (on a space ship!??) are really nicely designed. Here's a picture of the "real thing":

Image result for poe dameron x wing

So, I think Lego have done an overall good job of replicating the look.

What about playability?  The set has both spring loaded bolts and stud spitters.  And of course the x-foils open and close - though I find the mechanism for this quite stiff and snappy.  You also get 4 minifigs: obviously Poe and a standard R2.  However, also a unique Jannah and a Knight of Ren (also unique?).  

Overall, I was reaonably impressed but not blown away.  7 out of 10.

Today, between Sunday work shifts I managed to fit in a reconstruction of the Resistance Troop Transporter (75140).  I remember that I got this on a ridiculous half-price deal and therefore bought two for the price of one (the other is safely gathering value).  


I always thought that this was an undervalued set - there's a lot of detail packed in, especially on the rear:

It would look much better if I put the stickers on... but I never do that.  I love Ackbar's mug.

Finally, totally off topic, I solved another cube puzzle last night:

A "maple leaf skewb" if you're interested.  No cheating either!


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