MTT part 3

Today I've spent the afternoon cleaning and inventorying the UCS AT-AT but yesterday's build was one I've been looking forward to building for a while: the 2007 MTT (7662).  I've never known what MTT stood for so I've just looked it up: multi-troop transport.  Apparently, it's supposed to store 112 battle droids - but in Lego minifig scale that would be ridiculous so this one stores 16 in folded-down configuration.  

Still, that said, it's an awesome set when completed:

Lots of the triple-height slopes and plenty of other detail make this look really good from the outside.  It also has no less than 10 folding hatches from which come a sled, the droid racks, a gun rack and a cockpit.  There's even detail inside that you'll never really get to see.  

The only disappointment on building this was that I got to the final couple of pages and realised that the otherwise very good-condition set was missing the droideka!  Parts on order...

This one gets a strong 10 from me for its looks, playability and general overall awesomeness.

Which does beg the question... how does it compare to the other two minifig-scale MTTs that lego has released?  Back in 2000, there was the 466-part 7184, and in 2014 there was the 954-piece 75058. This one weighs in at a massive 1326 parts so is comfortably the largest in terms of pieces. That translates to more of just about everything - droids, playability, detail. So, 7662 is clearly the best of the three, in my view.  The other two were together on a shelf and easily accessible so here's a photo of all three:

Once opened you can also see the back half of the 2000 version turns into some sort of mobile command centre!  It's not at all bad for its time but it does feel flimsy.  

75058 isn't bad by any means but it's not a patch on the earlier version. 


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