75299 - Trouble on Tatooine

Despite not expecting to have time for Lego, I've squeezed a quick break into work for a 30 min build and quick set of musings on the new 2021 set - Trouble on Tatooine (75299).  Weighing in at 266 parts, this is definitely a play set, though the aesthetics are, on the whole, very nicely done.  

It comes in three bags with the first building the Mandalorian's speeder.  It's nice to see a different design for the front spars and there is plenty of detail.  Pleasingly, there's also somewhere to store the large gun which I also appreciate.  The speeder also has a baby carrier for the much talked-about tiny child minifig.  I am pretty sure that this is the smallest official minifig I own!  One disappointment was the black head for the Mandalorian.  

The second bag does a tusken raider's hut which opens out.  Not quite sure what the benefit of this is as there isn't really very much detail inside.  The tusken raider is a relatively standard minifig now, though. 

The final bag does some sort of large insect / mechanical flying thing.  Not having Disney plus nor having seen any clips on Youtube, I have no idea what this is but it looks pretty cool and has a pearl grey spring-loaded bolt on the top - a new colour!

 There are several rare colours in this set and the curved slope with cutouts (66956) is new to my collection.  There are also a couple of light bluish grey levers which generally only appear on really expensive sets!  

All in all, I have mixed feelings about this set.  I like the level of detail on the speeder and flying thing but am less keen on the hut.  The overall playability of the set is also relatively low.  So, I'd give it a 6 out of 10.  

Back to work!


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