
Showing posts from July, 2023


A quick post on the deconstruction of the Malevolence ( 9515 )... I build this one as a "rebuild" from parts rather than trying to buy second hand.  The minifigs are mostly not unique (only the Padme) and none of the parts were that rare.  I found this set a real disappointment.  The pros: hmmm.  The cons: I just don't really like the design, it's got poor playability, the minifigs are pretty terrible (the "big face" phase) and there wasn't anything interesting about the build.  3/10. 

Helmet builds

I've finally gotten around to having enough shelf space to feel like building some more sets (I have boxes and boxes of unmade sets stacked up in my very small Lego Man Cave and honestly won't have much more space until I've started building). Because they're easy to take away on travel to home #2, I've put together two of the more recent helmets: the Boushh ( 75351 ) and the Captain Rex ( 75349 ).    All fairly standard examples of helmet builds, though I did like the Boushh mouthpiece. 


Walkers to me initially calls to mind shortbread... but in this context, it is my collection of AT-STs (and one AT-DP).   I'm missing 7127 from this list because I've already deconstructed it and 10174 because it is too far back on the shelf, but otherwise I think this is a complete collection of the current 2-legged AT walkers... 7657 from 2007 75083 from 2015 75153 from 2016 75201 from 2018 75254 from 2019 Clearly, 75153 is a complete disappointment - widely panned as the most useless Star Wars set of its vintage.  7657 hasn't aged all that well, though I suspect it was good for its time and it has some useful rare parts in it.  The other three are all fine examples.