One of the more enduring themes of recent years in the Lego Star Wars pantheon is the microfighter range. I have to start out with the view that these aren't my favourite sets - while some of them manage a pretty good design with a relatively limited number of bricks, most of them end up quite cartoonish. The real problem, in my view, is that the minifig is always placed on a prominent position in a way that is totally out of scale with the rest of the model. That said, I guess cartoonish is what Lego was probably going for, so maybe they've hit their mark. I suppose these are really aimed at younger builders who probably don't have the aesthetic sensibilities that I do. Least favourite for me are the AT-ATs (and variants) with their clumpy 3x3 dish feet. At the other end of the spectrum, the dewback and bantha are pretty good, partly because the scale is right. So, what do you get? In general you get around 90-100 parts (minimum was 62 with the very...