
Showing posts from July, 2021

Imperial inspection

Well, it's been a while since I put anything on this blog but a) I've been on holiday, b) work has been very busy and c) having built all my Lego sets, there was pretty much nothing left to build. Apart from set 7264 - the Imperial Inspection - which I never bought.  I've generally not bought anything which was a duplicate of another set and the shuttle from this set was pretty much identical to the 2001 7166 Imperial Shuttle.  The obvious difference is that the older set is in old colours but I think they are otherwise near identical. However, having decided that 7264 was a "duplicate", it's since been bugging me as there are some bits of equipment and some unique stormtroopers in this set.  So, I've got a copy after all.  It was missing parts of three minifigs so came quite cheap and the bricks are in a mix of states. However, cleaned up, it looks ok: It's not going to set the Lego Star Wars world alight and if you don't have a copy, you don...